Thursday, April 29, 2010

A New Life

So Will and I have been quite busy with the MARRIED life.  Will is working straight days at US Steel and I am getting ready for our Teen Volunteer Program at UAB.  This dominates most of the summer for me.  We still have my townhouse on the market but still hope that it will sell soon! 

Around the House:
Will and I have gotten most of our gifts put up and put out.  The house is looking great!  No longer does it look like a bachelor pad!  Thank you to everyone that has helped us make the house so nice!!  We also laid down tile in our laundry room and moved some furniture around (see the next paragraph to find out why).  This week we start breaking down the deck to make way for our new deck and outdoor living area.  I am really excited about all the gardening and decorating I will be able to do...I think Will is most excited about the grill that he dreams of buying!  We also have spent more time outside in the yard this spring.  Will put down grass seed after cutting down a tree with Ty and Dallas.  I planted pretty flowers in a small area in front of the house.  I will try to remember to take pictures of all of this to share.

New Addition:
So we have a new addition to our family.  Delta Matthew joined the Matthews Clan in February.  Delta is an American Bulldog.  We went through a lot to get her, but she's the best pup a 'mom and dad' could ask for.  A lot of people make fun of me because I truely baby our dog...but that's fine...because she is really deserving. 

Check back for more pictures of Delta!  I also think I may start blogging about the different recipes that Will and I try out.  I'd love some feedback about this idea.  Thanks to everyone that has been keeping up with our life and I apologize about how long it has taken to get this blog updated!!

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